Orphans Sponsorship

Take a step towards changing the life of an orphan!

Everywhere in Afghanistan, children are waiting for your support. Together we can save the orphans; your support/donation helps us provide each orphan a sustenance life and brighter future. Helping an orphan won’t change the world, but for that one orphan the world might change.
“I will be like this in Jannah with the person who takes care of an orphan”. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) raised his forefinger and middle finger by way of illustration. (Sahih Al Bukhari). We learn from the Qur’an and Sunnah that giving in charity is a way to bless your wealth.

Who we consider to be sponsored:

  • Children are selected from any group classified as an orphan, poor or vulnerable.
  • Children of all ethnicities and religious backgrounds are included.
  • Our sponsorship program prioritizes the poorest and the most vulnerable orphans and families as much as possible.


Become a sponsor of a child or a group of children now! You can reach out to us through:



They need you! Will you care about them?

With only $1.1 a day, you can literally change their lives forever

We have a very sophisticated system for orphans sponsorship. You will need to fill up an online form and commit to a monthly donation of USD 35. Within 24 hours our team will upload complete details of the child to the online portal for your accessibility, and you will have a login to our system to check what have we done for the child on a monthly basis.

Your sponsorship will provide the orphan with the following


We will be putting them in schools and paying their fees.

Pocket Money

We will be giving the child monthly pocket money.


We will be buying them, winter, summer or school clothing.

Health Care

Qamar will be able to take care of smaller issues.

Sponsor a child now


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Qamar Foundation
Asalamuallikum Warahmatullah. How can we help you today? In Sha Allah